2024 GXU Top Discipline Scholarship

 Language of Instruction: Chinese

Duration of Scholarship:

  1. Major Studies: 4 years (5 years for Architecture and Animal Medicine)
  2. Preparatory Chinese Language Learning: 1 year. Students without an HSK Certificate (level 4 minimum) must attend preparatory Chinese language learning. Students must pass HSK 4 before beginning major studies.

Scholarship Benefits:

  • Free tuition, accommodation, and insurance
  • Monthly stipend of RMB 500

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Applicants must be in good health.
  2. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens with at least 10 years of residence, study, or work experience in their home country.
  3. Applicants must respect Chinese laws and policies.
  4. Applicants must demonstrate good academic performance and behavior.
  5. Applicants must not hold other scholarships in China simultaneously.

Application Timeline:

  • Deadline: 15 July 2024
  • Application Process: Applicants must apply online through the university website (link provided below) before the deadline.

Application Procedures:

  1. Register on the GXU International Students Service System and apply online: GXU Application Portal.
  2. Select the GXU Top Discipline Scholarship during the application.
  3. Upload the required materials (detailed below).

Required Application Materials:

  1. Diploma and Transcript of Highest Education:
    • Must be translated and notarized. High school graduates without a diploma should obtain a provisional graduate certificate from their school.
  2. Study Plan:
    • A well-written plan in Chinese or English, more than 500 words.
  3. Passport:
    • Upload scanned copies of passport data and visa pages.
  4. Medical Check Result:
    • Form available here, completed in English and signed by a hospital.
  5. Video of Self-Introduction:
    • A video clip longer than 5 minutes.
  6. HSK Certification:
    • Not essential.
  7. Passport Copies:
    • Not essential.

Submitting Application:


Campus Environment & Accommodation:

Applicants can choose any program from the list below:

Name of MajorsName of Colleges
Civil EngineeringSchool of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Environmental EngineeringSchool of Resources, Environment and Materials
Materials Science and EngineeringSchool of Resources, Environment and Materials
Computer Science and TechnologySchool of Computer and Electronic Information
Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, and AutomationSchool of Mechanical Engineering
FinanceSchool of Economics
EconomicsSchool of Economics
International Economics and TradeSchool of Economics
Business AdministrationSchool of Business Administration
Tourism ManagementSchool of Business Administration
AccountingSchool of Business Administration
Financial ManagementSchool of Business Administration
LawLaw School
Public AdministrationSchool of Public Administration
Light Chemical EngineeringSchool of Light Industry and Food Engineering
Packaging EngineeringSchool of Light Industry and Food Engineering
Food Science and EngineeringSchool of Light Industry and Food Engineering
Biological ScienceSchool of Life Sciences and Technology
BiotechnologySchool of Life Sciences and Technology
Electrical Engineering and AutomationSchool of Electrical Engineering
Chemical Engineering and TechnologySchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
AgronomySchool of Agriculture
Plant ProtectionSchool of Agriculture
HorticultureSchool of Agriculture
Agricultural Resources and EnvironmentSchool of Agriculture
Animal ScienceSchool of Animal Science and Technology
Animal MedicineSchool of Animal Science and Technology
PhysicsSchool of Physical Science and Technology
Electronic Science and TechnologySchool of Physical Science and Technology
Integrated Circuit Design and Integrated SystemsSchool of Physical Science and Technology
Mathematics and Applied MathematicsSchool of Mathematics and Information Science
Information and Computational ScienceSchool of Mathematics and Information Science
PhilosophySchool of Marxism
Marine SciencesSchool of Marine Sciences

Admission Process:

  1. Application Review: Guangxi University will review the applications and contact promising applicants for further instructions. Applicants are encouraged to use the WeChat app for further communication.
  2. Admission Documents: GXU will send admission documents, including the Application Form for Student Visa (JW 202) and Admission Letters, to the enrolled students before September.

  • Contacts

Contact person: Mr. Chen






Guangxi University

Guangxi University

International Students Hostel

Chinese language scholarship, GXU Top Discipline Scholarship, Guangxi University scholarship, Study in China, Chinese university scholarship, GXU international students, Chinese language learning, HSK certification, Study plan for Chinese scholarship, GXU application process, Free tuition in China, Monthly stipend scholarship, Chinese university admission, International students in China, Chinese higher education, Preparatory Chinese language course, Study civil engineering in China, Study computer science in China, Chinese scholarship benefits, GXU application deadline, Medical check for Chinese scholarship, Study materials science in China, GXU academic programs, Accommodation at Guangxi University, Chinese scholarship requirements. Scholarhsip for bachelor studies, under graduate scholarships.